About Me

I’ve always been a sensitive person but I didn’t realize what it was until my adult life. I remember feeling exhausted by the end of a school day and just coming home to eat and watch tv most of the evening, it was strange that not everyone felt that way. I could feel what people in my environment wanted and needed from me and I was very good at playing into this. I could feel expectations both from people and from society and I was on a mission to please everyone. I would filter what I wanted to say into a version of it that couldn’t possibly offend anyone and I would anticipate responses and expectations of how other people would react based on how I read their energy. I would over-give, over-extend and accommodate, but it lead to a lot of exhaustion and anxiety. I’m sure you can tell from looking from the outside it’s impossible to please everyone, and you can’t possibly always have the energy to give.

We’re meant to shift our pain to purpose. My path has been learning to love myself and put myself first , learning to say no, set and hold boundaries and  remember how to express myself. My path has been remembering the powerful woman I am and giving myself permission to find out what I want and create a life based on my own rules and desires. My life has only gotten better because of it in ways that can’t be explained or make logical sense, all because I’ve been doing my own healing. Now I can help others walk the path I walked but much quicker and much easier because you will have a guide on your side. I am here to help you break out of expectations, to get in tune with who you are and what you want, to set boundaries, love yourself and put yourself first. I’m here to offer you a bird’s eye view, challenge and help you re-wire your limiting beliefs (nothing is impossible, now more than ever),  guide you to see the medicine in the daily triggers and challenges and help you shift your energy to align with who you truly are. With this work every area of life changes : physical wellness, relationships, abundance , career and most of all how you feel in your life changes.    


I know this is not my first lifetime exploring magic and healing and that I chose to come in this time the “spring-time of awakening” ( as my Inner Voice mentor Bella Lively calls it) for a reason. We came here to witness something truly amazing, experience depths of healing and watch the world transform as we heal and create a ripple effect.

 My path has led me to many different modalities because I was always meant to create my own way of healing and to curate my own craft, as I believe many of us are meant to in this time. I began in science studying biology and completed a Master’s in Microbiology. During my time in university my parents introduced me to a reiki course and OH MY GOODNESS I loved the energy of wonder of this, the little girl within me that used to try to levitate napkins and play with crystal balls and crystal wands felt at home.  I don’t remember if I was always interested in natural holistic healing or if this is what shifted it, but I would spend a lot of time researching energy, remedies , natural healing and natural products. I explored different paths I could take, for a moment I thought medical school, but Naturopathic medicine seemed more fitting. I volunteered at a Naturopathic clinic and that is where I was introduced to Homeopathy, a system of healing that used vibrational energy medicines and treated the person as a whole : mentally, physically and spiritually. I felt a big YES and I actually signed up for this program without even trying it as a patient first (but when I did, the effects happened overnight and were incredible).

I started Homeopathy and then learned Iridology (the study of the iris of the eye and how it’s connected to the body). I started practicing and felt happy in the beautiful results I was seeing in clients and the physical, emotional and mental changes they were experiencing. But more and more I felt a call to add spirituality to my practice. I was finally ready to introduce my energy healing to the world and I learned more. I learned Shamballa Reiki and Bio-energetics and Access Bars. Then I was led to Inner Voice and connecting to my own intuition as well as helping others connect to theirs. Then I was led to Akashic Records and more intuitive work such as Mediumship development, learning about Theta Healing, masculine and feminine balance and a variety of self-development tools. Every step of the way I have been guided and my work has been shaped by my guidance, intuition and the help of my spirit team and the divine.

All of this to help me create a holistic, intuitive healing approach to help others witness and release their pain, limiting beliefs and old programming and get in tune with who they really are. This is how we heal the world.


Certified Inner Voice Facilitator

Certified Iridologist

Reiki Master ( Practicing Usui and Shamballa)

Access Bars Practitioner

M.Sc. in Integrative Biology

Diploma in Homeopathy