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Frequency Upgrade Sessions

If you find yourself:

𖦹 feeling stuck and unsure of how to move forward

𖦹 full of self doubt

𖦹 having a hard time saying no and creating boundaries

𖦹 overthinking

𖦹 looking for answers in external sources when really you would like to trust yourself.

𖦹 anxious and thinking of worst case scenarios

𖦹 experiencing physical symptoms and you have a feeling they have an energetic root

𖦹 feeling like you are waiting on the sidelines

𖦹 craving change in your life and are not sure how to start changing it

This is for you

Changing your life begins with changing your energy

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It all begins with you

Everything outside of us is a mirror of what is going on within. That means that the challenging relationship, that rude person pushing your boundaries, the physical symptoms, the repeating cycles, they are all trying to point at something within.

They are not the enemy and you are not the victim.

They are messengers whispering to you to take your power back and take charge of your life.

I know that’s hard when you are in the midst of it, and that is where I come in .

I’m here to help you understand these triggers.

I’m here to help you alchemize this pain to empowerment.

I’m here to help you transmute the energy, beliefs, and stuck emotions into a “higher” version of you.

A “higher” version of you is the next level of you, the you that is closer to your higher self and what you really came here to be (a limitless being that is living their biggest wildest dreams, has a thriving relationship, beautiful community, and healthy body).

We all deserve that. And as I am growing and getting closer and closer to who I came here to be, I’m helping you too through the tools and healing that has helped me.

 What happens when you Change your energy

Changing your energy is the only way to achieve real, deep, lasting change.

This happens naturally in our lives as we face challenges and grow.

In daily life this change might take place when we are pushed to the limit. When a trigger repeats enough or gets strong enough that finally we say “Enough. I’ve had enough of this, we will not be doing this again.” This can look like someone pushing your boundaries until you decide to push back. It can look like realizing no one is putting you first even though you’ve given so much so you FINALLY decide to put yourself first, it can look like being picked last so you decide to pick yourself.. and so much more.

Reaching that limit and making that definitive decision is what causes an energetic shift.

In healing sessions we do this together, without having to be pushed to the limit (but even if you are , I can help you translate it)

I help you see the triggers and patterns that are coming up, find the message and shift the energy to a new frequency so this pattern no longer repeats.

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What happens when you shift on an energetic level:

🌟 You begin to be more in tune with your body

🌟 You start to take care of yourself from a place of wanting to vs “I should”

🌟 You begin to put yourself first without guilt

🌟 Boundaries get stronger

🌟 It becomes easier to KNOW what you want and trust yourself

🌟 Communication improves

🌟 Relationships improve

🌟 Your sense of trust within yourself improves

🌟 You gain more clarity

🌟 Life feels… easier

🌟 You get closer to that vision of you who is living your biggest wildest dreams

The possibilities are endless.

 What type of healing is used?

My healing sessions are a combination of the modalities I have learned and practiced over the years as well as my own unique remembered ancient energy healing. This energy healing is powerful and transformative.

The healing sessions might include aspects of Reiki, Bioenergetics, Akashic Records, Inner Voice, intuitive guidance and various tools to help you integrate the healing. I have also received training in Homepathy, Mediumship, Access Bars and Iridology.

 What Does a healing feel like?

It is important to know that only that which is safe and ready to be felt and seen comes up to be released in sessions. You will never be faced with something you are not ready to, and you will receive in the capacity that you are ready to receive and the level of trust you feel. Everyone is different in what they experience in our sessions. Some people feel deep relaxation and drifting off (this usually happens with releases that the mind does not need to understand), others may feel physical tingles, or shaking and twitching (another sign of release), others may see colours, hear their intuition, connect with their guides, while other people have out of body experiences and travel to other places and dimensions. What you receive is exactly what is needed.

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 What clients Say: