Active Healing Session

This is not your average healing session. In these sessions Raluca holds space and gently guides you to discovering the unprocessed emotions, limiting beliefs and programming that has been keeping you in repeating patterns. You will then be guided through releasing and re-programming them to new beliefs that are supportive to you and your soul’s purpose. Raluca uses powerful healing energy from to help you release, transmute and anchor in new frequencies.

Raluca uses a combination of modalities selected each session based on your needs and may include Inner Voice, Akashic Records, Energy Healing , Access Bars, Homeopathy and Intuitive guidance. In this session you will be communicating back and forth with Raluca as you explore your subconcious and soul counciousness and move through the healings.

Passive Healing Session

This is for you want to lay back, relax and surrender as energy is sent to you. In this session Raluca does the energetic work to locate and transmute energetic frequencies that are no longer serving you. She uses a remembered energy healing that is beyond Reiki and the modalities she has learned. This healing feels ancient and transformative.

The energetic healing is in the highest good and it only brings up that which is safe and ready to be transmuted and released. This type of energetic healing can help release the feeling of “stuckness”, bring more clarity, help with physical symptoms that feel have an energetic cause, connect you deeper with who you are, help with clearer communication and improve boundaries and communication.

If you feel the pull to this healing, there is something here for you.

Some people experience physical sensation, a feeling of energy expansion, a feeling of travelling and having out of body experiences, messages from guides, and some people experience deep relaxation.

1 Month Coaching

In the month of coaching you receive two 1:1 healing sessions with Raluca and Monday to Friday messaging support over Telegram.

This is for you if you want to shift energy on a deep level in a specific area (relationship, self-care, self worth) and be held and supported during this process. Together we will work on the beliefs, blocks and fears that have you feeling stuck and transmute them. We work holistically : self-care, self-love, abundance, relationships, physical symptoms all intertwine and begin with your energy.

You will have the option to extend our time together.