
The school of burning and becoming

A space to learn.

A space to grow.

A space to connect.

A space to integrate.

A space to support eachother through the process of breaking out of the good girl and becoming liberated.


This is a community, a space to grow, connect, integrate and collectively raise our vibration. This space while a community comes through as the energy of a school, like school we will have our subjects , some will be fun, some will be harder, some will be inspiring. It will also have the energy of breaks and extra curriculars and dances.

This space is not content heavy. The truth is- we are bombarded with content and information every day from multiple directions and it can get truly overwhelming. We are in information overload. Before we get a chance to implement what we learn we receive even more information to take in.

What we need is more implementation. We need space for integration and to apply all the things we know. This is the hard part.

The Vision

This space is a place to be held through breaking out of limiting beliefs, old patterns and good girl programing as we step into the powerful versions of ourselves. This is a place to share your wins and celebrate together whenever you set a boundary, put yourself first and as you are noticing yourself growing and learning through your experiences. It is also a place to reach out when you have a hard time setting a boundary, saying no or are doubting yourself and your decision. You will have a community there to support you and hold you and root for you. It is amazing what can happen in your life and how much stronger you feel when you know you are not alone in your beliefs, desires, and values.

I share:

💫       Thoughts and activations

💫          New perspectives on viewing reality

💫         Voice notes of channeled messages

💫          Inspiration

Topics include:

🪄          Self-love

🪄         Empowerment

🪄        Breaking out people-pleasing

🪄         Self-expression

🪄          Breaking out of the good-girl programming

🪄       Mirrors


Why was this space created?

So many clients come in saying they feel alone in this work of healing. They feel their friends and family don’t understand this side of them and they want to keep it hidden. They feel out of place and like the odd ones out if they were to talk about energy, intuition, astrology, emotional healing, the quantum, human design, life purpose and all the other things that are encompassed in the world of energy.  I keep hearing “but people don’t really get this”, “most people don’t think this way” “I can’t really talk about this with anyone” “I know this mind sound weird but…”

I keep thinking of the story of the ugly duckling whenever I hear this. It’s a story that has been told many times and a story crossed my path again a few years ago in “Women Who Run With Wolves”. I felt this story in my life and soul and I see it in so many people and so many women that I work with. We are surrounded by people and places that are not like us. Being the odd one out in a group can make us feel like there is something wrong with us. We feel that we must hide parts of ourselves, that we must re-shape and bend and contort ourselves into shapes to fit into our surroundings. But there is nothing wrong with any of us, the ugly duckling was a swan all along and just needed to find it’s swan family.

Every time I work with a client and they tell me they feel alone in this , that I am one of the only places they feel safe to express this way, that there are not many people that think this way I tell them “there are so many people that think exactly this way, there are more of us than you can imagine”. But I know exactly just how they feel, just a few short years ago I felt alone and was wondering where my soul-aligned sisters and witches were. They were closer than I could have imagined, but I had to be brave and own my power and my weirdness and my intuition in order to be found and find them. We cannot find each other if we are hiding who we truly are.

My intention for Alchemia is to create a beautiful space for community and empowerment. I wish for all the beautiful souls that I have worked with and crossed my path to also find eachother and find more people they resonate with. So many people that I work with are powerful women with intuitive gifts, a strong purpose and a desire to live life differently than it has been lived before, a desire to disrupt the way things have been done and create a new way of living. I wish for everyone in this space to feel empowered in who they are, to own their  soul calling, ‘weirdness’, uniqueness , passions and interests.



I want to help you let go of all the rules and limitations, the ‘good-girl’ programming, the weight of external expectations and be the reminder that it is safe, right and good to own who you truly are and be liberated. And I lead the way by leading myself first and embodying these aspects as well.

Being in the energy of someone that inspires you and has been doing their own healing can be very healing. Seeing the way they think, feel and view the world and challenges can help shift your own challenges and perspectives faster and disrupt the patterns.

If I resonate with you as a teacher and you feel drawn to my energy and this community , then I invite you to join us. This is a low-cost way to get closer to my energy and was created with the loving intention that this community may be healing and liberating for all of us.

$55 USD/month