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An unbecoming to become

3- 6 month , intimate 1:1 coaching container

In this work we dive into the “good-girl” programming that runs deep in all women ,from society, history to ancestral and present-life conditioning, that has embedded guilt onto any thought of following your soul’s calling and putting yourself first. We will lovingly unravel and decode the deeply embedded beliefs that may be from this lifetime, past lifetimes and ancestry so you can find liberation for yourself and your lineage. Addressing these beliefs will help you unlock a deep level of self-love, confidence, worthiness, and empowerment to be unapologetically yourself.

This is for the woman who knows she is meant for more

This is for the woman who knows she is meant for more. She feels a power within and a vision that whispers of freedom- it can be time freedom, financial freedom, health freedom , but even deeper than that it’s a freedom to be fully and unapologetically herself. She goes back and forth between “everything is possible” to “maybe I’m delusional”. She has a big heart and is deeply caring, which has also caused her to put many others before herself and has found that the time, energy and resources to bring her dreams to fruition seemed to fade away.  I’m here to help HER. I’m here to help this woman step into her power, heal from all the programming, beliefs and emotions keeping her in old patterns. She will be guided through every step of the way in this transformation- from connecting with her higher self, to releasing limiting beliefs and unprocessed emotions , to learning to put herself first and setting boundaries, to getting clarity in her path, to understanding how the body and our relationships mirror our healing and how to heal repeating patterns. She will feel stronger, more in-tune with herself and more clear and as a result, every area of her life will rise to match her new frequency.

 This is work is for the person ready for deep healing, un-afraid to explore the depths of  their being. In our work together we use my methodology for Liberation to Connect, Release, Embody and Integrate. We explore energy psychology and trigger decoding. Together we follow the thread of beliefs that are manifesting as triggers in the  physical world making it uncomfortable. We follow the thread to the root giving it space to share what needs to be shared, clear it and transform it to something supportive of the soul’s purpose. We go beyond the conscious beliefs and into the supressed beliefs, exploring your energetic underworld. You will be held, guided and supported as you explore these parts of yourself, release and transmute them into elevated beliefs.

These new beliefs will be mirrored back to you from the world in a ways that blow you away.

Is this for you?

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About the coaching container:

In our work together we use my 4 stage Alchemy Methodology.

You will be held and guided as you connect with your intuition, higher self and beyond .

You will learn to hear, feel and begin to trust your own inner guidance

If you are already connected, we will go deeper into this connection and anchor it in to a new level

You will receive guidance and clarity from deep within yourself

You will receive intuitive guidance from me as I enter your Akashic Records

Why is connection important?

In this step, we connect with your limitless potential. This helps you see who you truly are beyond the preconceived notions and rules of the reality up until now. This is where creation, creativity and truth lies. Once you are connected to this space, you get to decide how you want to move forward in your life and what guidance you would like to follow. You are always in control, but you deserve to know what you are capable of and the love in which you are held.

You will release limitations and programs that are not aligned with your higher purpose and where your intuition is guiding you

You will release: Unprocessed emotions and limiting beliefs and programming from this lifetime. As we go deeper in the work and depending on where you are in your journey we will also release and rewire beliefs and programming from past lifetimes and ancestral lineage.

Why is release important?

In order to move forward and create the life and freedom you desire, there are some things that have to be let go of. These limiting beliefs, programming and projections placed there by society and other egos are like invisible ropes and chains keeping us from fully expressing ourselves, going for what we want, and moving forward with solutions and ways of being that have not been done before. This is the era of creating a new and beautiful way of being and existing and the old rules just cannot come with us.

You will be guided to bringing in new beliefs that are supportive of your purpose and path.

You will be guided to embodying the next transformation of you

Why is embodying important?

Once we release what no longer serves we cannot leave the space empty. We bring in new beliefs, higher frequencies and new ways of being guided by your higher self and higher consciousness. This step brings forth subtle but powerful changes that are seen in the way you carry yourself, the way you speak, the choices you make, what you accept for yourself, and how you take care of yourself. All the changes begin with you and your decisions and then they ripple out into every area of your life and leads us to integration.

1:1 Voxer coaching and the length of this container will help integrate your new embodied self into your daily life as your

Why is integration important?

As you begin to change, your surroundings and environment will need to change with you. During a growth phase you may experience triggers, emotions and pushback from your external environment, work, relationships etc.. and I will be there to reach out to, to help you hold the frequency and to offer you a bird’s eye view on what is happening from a higher perspective. This step is crucial, because the more we can hold our frequency and our new choices and decisions in daily life, the faster it will change with us.

 In this container you will have access to all the tools in my toolbox (energy healing, inner voice, intuitive guidance, akashic records, homeopathy, new perspectives from a higher frequency, and knowledge from years of study of energy, self-development and spiritual development). The process will be led by your higher self and supported by my intuition. We will set our egos and expectations aside and learn to trust the process and the innate wisdom of your body, emotions and soul path. We will absolutely have intentions and end goals, but my experience has led me to understand that the path to that end goal is different for our egos than higher consciousness. With trust and surrender, you will be led to amazing places. After all, what is more freeing than knowing you are always safe and supported, always on the right track and always in the right timing?

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 When we work together you:

💫Explore the depths of your subconscious and unconscious in a safe supportive space.

💫Are held as you feel and release deeply buried emotions.

💫Expand your nervous system.

💫Release beliefs that you have carried from this lifetime, ancestral lineage and even past lifetimes.

💫Rewire programs and beliefs that are limiting into ones that are in line with unconditional love.

💫Learn to find the mirrors and lessons in the challenges and triggers in your life so you can heal the repeating patterns.

💫Learn how your body speaks to you in whispers and yells of what is out of alignment with your soul essence

💫Are held to a standard of self-love and worthiness.

💫Will embody loving yourself, putting yourself first and creating boundaries.

💫Receive a bird’s eye view and shifts in prespective that will break you out of unconscious patterns.

💫Connect with and begin to trust your innate wisdom.

💫Will shift, expand and grow into more of who you truly are.


And as a result:

How you feel about yourself will change.

How you feel in your life will change.

And then.





All begin to change to align with your expanded energy and standards in ways that make you say

“ I have no idea what changed” ,” I don’t know how this is happening”, “ I didn’t even DO anything differently and this changed”




What You Receive:

What you receive from this container is deep transformation that you take with you beyond our time together.

  • Bi-weekly healing with coaching sessions

  • 1:1 Monday-Friday Voxer support

  • Spiritual accountability

  • Intuitive guidance and support

  • Development and trust in your intuition

  • Deep energetic healing and clearing

  • An understanding of how to work through triggers and beliefs and transmute them on your own

 Are you ready? Fill out the application form below and let’s begin.