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My Philosophy


My path, my own inner work, the modalities I have learned and my experience with clients over the years has led me to creating my Alchemy Methodology where we Connect, Release, Embody and Integrate to shift in layers from the “Good Girl” that runs deep in all of us to the Liberated Woman that is needed to help shape where our world is moving to in this new era. This is deep healing work that ripples out into every single area of our lives from the physical body , to thoughts and emotions, to relationships, abundance, environment and more.

And it all begins with energy.

Everything in our reality begins with energy and is a physical manifestation of the energy within us. Physical symptoms begin with energy. The quality of our work, abundance and relationships begins with energy. Even the way we care for ourselves begins with energy.  This means that whatever is bothering us in our external reality is not the problem, it is the messenger to direct us to what is out of balance within us and within our energy field.

The truth is we are light, limitless beings that are worthy of love, capable of expressing ourselves fully and living of life of love of abundance doing exactly what lights us up. We do not need to compromise our desires , do what we don’t want in order to be loved , settle for less than we are worthy of or live life based on anybody else’s rules. It is possible to have the life we dream of and envision, but we have to align with it.

What keeps us from following these dreams and bringing them to fruition is imbalances, misalignments and blocks in the energetic field. Our energy is brought out of balance when we hold beliefs, emotions and programs that go against our soul consciousness and that go against the essence of who we truly are.  These can be from experiences in this lifetime and childhood, societal pressures and imprints, ancestral lineage and past lives. Many women carry beliefs that they need to self-sacrifice and put others before themselves in order to be a good person and it is time to lovingly unravel that and find empowerment and unapoligetic self-expression. As we begin to find, release and rewire these beliefs and programs our external environment begins to shift to match our new energy. It does not take more fight, push and grind to change your life. It takes more alignment with who you truly are.


Many women carry beliefs that they need to self-sacrifice and put others before themselves in order to be a good person.

it is time to lovingly unravel that and find empowerment and unapoligetic self-expression..

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Through my work and my own lived experience I have found a common thread that affects all women, and we will refer to it as “good girl programming". We all carry this to some extent, some of us more than others. The good girl programming whispers beliefs and rules of what it means to be a good woman, wife, partner, daughter, parent. It has your lifetime of rules as well as generational, ancestral and societal. There have been so many rules and standards placed upon women and some of them are impossible. I see so many amazing women with a fire within them making themselves small, not claiming their space and genius and afraid to ask for what they desire. So many women are afraid to say no, afraid to charge their worth, afraid to be seen and speak up, afraid to show all parts of themselves, afraid to say what they really mean and afraid of putting themselves first. I too am walking this path.

But as we connect to who we truly are, release the limiting beliefs and old rules, embody our true selves and integrate this new essence into our daily lives- life changes- in ways that the logical mind cannot explain. The things that are no longer fitting naturally fall away (relationships, habits, work), and everything starts to improve to match the new embodiment. That includes health and body, relationships, career, abundance, environment and everything else in this physical reality.

In my work, I help you align and embody with who you truly are. I help you pin-point the stuck emotions and limiting beliefs in your energy. I help you decode the challenges with your relationships, abundance, career and physical symptoms uncover the underlying message that is there for you. We release the fears, beliefs, emotions and invite in the truth of who you are. My craft has developed over time and combines a variety of different modalities including Energy Healing, Akashic Records, Inner Voice, Intuitive Guidance, Homeopathy, Access Bars and more. I use these tools and my intuition to create a safe container for healing, learning and expansion. I walk this path of healing as well and am continuously amazed by how a shift in my energy changes my external world. Learn more about me here.

The truth is if you are here reading this, you came to do a lot of healing in this lifetime. You feel that there has to be more to life than trading time for money and self-sacrificing in order to be accepted. You crave health freedom, time freedom, financial freedom and living a life doing what lights your soul on fire.  It is all possible, but it requires healing of everything that tells you it is not possible, and this healing heals your lineage and this healing leads to limitless possibilities. It takes patience and bravery to feel and heal, but if you are here. You are ready for it.