Connection to your intuition/ higher self. This also opens up the connection to higher consciousness and divine wisdom. Whether you have never connected or are intuitive and looking to go deeper, we will begin wherever you are.
With this connection, we are able to tap into your true essence and limitless potential and build trust with your own inner knowing and life path.
Connection helps you receive clarity in who you are and what you are meant to do, as well as confidence and an understanding of the timing and next steps of your life.
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Each of us holds so much programming, limiting beliefs and unprocessed emotions from society , from our lifetime of experiences, from our ancestral and family line as well as past lifetimes.
These unprocessed emotions and limiting beliefs go against our soul’s essence, make us act and react in ways that are not truly aligned with who we are and create discomfort in our lives in the form of physical symptoms, relationship triggers, abundance and career mis-alignment and so much more.
Releasing these emotions and programming creates space to embody your soul’s essence and mission.
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All change in our lives begins with our energy. The subtle shifts of releasing limitations and bringing in new beliefs that align with the soul create a change in energy.
Anchoring in the change in energy creates embodiment. Embodiment is a shift in the way you carry yourself, the small decisions you make each day, the way you speak, act, and how you take care of yourself and your environment.
The changes truly begin with your energy, your decisions you make and what you accept for yourself.
You are becoming a new person, but you are becoming more of who you truly are.
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Changing internally also brings external changes (and that is what we want!).
There is a period of integration after each major internal and energetic shift. In this stage, you may realize that certain actions, habits, environments and people might not be feeling supportive anymore. These aspects of your world may have been there from a place of wounding rather than a place of love.
In the integration step, you have support to help you hold the frequency and your new embodiment as the external environment regulates to match your new energy.
This is where you start seeing life change in ways you cannot explain.
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