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Helping you shift your energy to change your life

About Raluca Villapiana, Soul alchemist, frequency holder healer and teacher

I’m Raluca

Your guide to your inner world and self empowerment. I’m a spiritual luminary, frequency holder, healer and teacher that is here to teach and heal through energy. I’m here to help you transform your life by shifting your frequency. I’m here to offer a loving space, powerful healing energy and a bird’s eye view that will create a re-wiring within and a ripple of changes in your life.

I know what it feels like to be a sensitive person with a big heart. I know what it feels like to feel the weight of external expectations, and to play by the rules dictated by tradition and society. I also know it leads to exhaustion, self-doubt, anxiety, overwhelm and eventually you wake up one morning realizing that you’re not sure if what you want is what you really want or if you chose what others said would be good for you.

Once you notice it you can’t go back, it means it’s time to remember who you are.

I have walked through deep healing myself and began looking at the unprocessed emotions, beliefs and programming I carried not only from my life, but past lifetimes , societal and ancestral. There is programming that runs deep in all all of that is just no longer working for where we are going now and it shows up in every area of our lives. I am here to help you release and reprogram these beliefs that were never true, into ones that empower you. In this work, I use techniques influenced by many practices but unique to my energy.

We rise together through my process where we move through Connection, Release, Embodiment and Integration.

Do you feel the pull to work together?


THe Process

When we work together, you are led through a process of inner transformation that leads to outward changes

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